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The Freemason application form is a document which every person who seeks to join the freemason family must fill and submit to the headquarter for a background verification.
This platform was created to help all those interested in joining the freemasonry to easily complete their registration into their desired lodge of interest.
We’ve realized that those interested in joining the freemasonry face lots of difficulties locating the right lodge which meets their reason of joining.
We will help connect you to your lodge of interest and fasten your registration process. In the following paragraphs, we shall be elaborating on 07 sections which are:

1] Definition Of Freemasonry

2] Our Membership Conditions

3] Benefits Of Becoming a Freemason

4] How To Apply for Membership

5] Initiation Items

6] Members Portal Creation

7) Freemason Application Form


Freemasonry (or Masonry) is the oldest fraternal organization in the world. Though its origins can be traced to the stonemasons and cathedral builders of Medieval times, Freemasonry remains a vital force in the daily lives of millions of men across the globe.

Through a series of degrees and ceremonies, the values of Freemasonry are passed from generation to generation, Mason to Mason, in a timeless and tireless effort to make good men better. These degrees provide a framework that affects every aspect of modern life and are based on the values of brotherly love, relief, and truth.

Every year in virtually every city and town across America, thousands of men join the ranks of Freemasonry. Men of honor and integrity. Of charity and obligation. Each with a vow to be the best they can be. To be more than just a man. To be a Mason.

Mission Statement


A Freemason is a man who has taken an obligation to uphold our timeless principles of Brotherly love, relief, and truth. Beyond these basics, being a Freemason means so much more. A Freemason is a man who is committed to bettering himself and his community, having taken a solemn vow to help and mentor his Masonic Brothers do the same. A Freemason is a man eager to be part of something bigger than himself, with a reverence for history, compassion in his heart, and a desire to create a better future.

There are three degrees in Freemasonry: Entered Apprentice, Fellowcraft, and Master Mason. Most men advance to the level of Master Mason, some over the course of months; others may accomplish this goal over years. But once a man has taken his first obligation as an Entered Apprentice, he is, once and forever, a Freemason.


To attract those from all backgrounds and walks of life, enabling them to develop into more thoughtful and confident people. To inspire and challenge them to practice the core values we celebrate – Integrity, Friendship, Respect, Charity – in their private and public lives. To cement our reputation as a force for good in our communities and society at large and as a thriving organization that people aspire to join.


Over the next 7 years, we will enhance our reputation as a thriving organization that people aspire to join and broaden our membership across all age groups.


The core ethical principles of Freemasonry are about compassion and tolerance for all mankind. Freemasons do not use their position in the fraternity to advance an agenda, whether it be political, professional, religious, or secular.


Devotion to and caring for each other and our community.

Concern for and selfless giving to those in distress

Using knowledge, honesty, and understanding to build ourselves into better men.

Freemason application form
freemason joining


You should Believe in a Supreme Creator, we all know that a GOD exist, worship him in your own way and be faithful. We do not limit our members to a particular religion.

Understand what you want and need in life, and always place a deadline or time duration towards achieving it. This way, you will aways put seriousness in the things you engage in, and you shall achieve them.

You Must have a legitimate work (job) that is recognized by the society, regardless of how much income it brings to your daily life.

Being above 18 means you will be self-aware; meaning you have the ability to make any decision without being pressured.
Having those qualifications will end by being allowed to fill out an application form to join the Freemasonry.

Must Be Able To Support Yourself and Family

Quite frankly, Freemasons aren’t concerned with someone’s wealth and social status. The brotherhood openly welcomes everyone.

However, an applicant should prove that he is financially stable to cater to his needs and those of his family.

This requirement extends to existing members. If you lack financial independence, the craft considers you a liability.

Must Be a Rule Follower

Freemasonry is characterized by numerous rules that members should abide by. For example, Masons are prohibited from talking about the craft’s activities to outsiders. You are not allowed to discuss any political affiliation in a lodge etc.

The rules are implemented to align Masons to the requirements of the craft.

People who cannot be diligent rule followers cannot fit into the organization.

It is a common misconception that the guidelines are full of demonic rituals accompanied by horrific requests. This is not true. They are pin pointers that guide people into following Freemasonry ways.

A Round Of Applaud For You

Congratulations for reading up to this level. Knowledge is power, If you have ever believed that you will someday join the freemasonry family, then rejoice and be glad because your dream is about to happen and actualize.


Read up to chapter 06 (six) and fill up the membership application form in chapter 07 (seven).



☯ The sum of 500.000 USD (Five hundred thousand us dollars) is contributed and offered to all new members prior their initiation. This money is realized from a general contribution by all existing freemasons in your lodge. This act is mandatory all. You will use this money to start up your investment career, so as to improve your living standard. It is important to note that we have members who are already successful in different business field, so they can easily orientate you towards success.


☯ Joining this family will create a good connection between you and great business investors all over the world. You will have the privilege to discuss personally with the most successful businessmen in the world like ELON MUSK, WARREN BUFFET etc. they are all freemasons.


☯ You will get a one month fully paid vacation trip to any country of your choice, and access to top VIP treatments. You will go along some great members from your lodge, to eat, drink and share good moments together. You will equally have free trips to most countries during initiation periods. You can use this as a means to build your social life experiences and add fame to your profile Also, joining us will make traveling round the world very easy for you. This is because you can easily have access to visit visas in case you want to visit a follow mason brother in any part of the world.


☯ Becoming our member will bring so much comfort into your life. This is because you will always have a family to run to in case you have any problem. Our arms are always open to comfort you and we are always ready to send out helping hands whenever you are in a difficult situation.



☯ We will educate you on social conduct and ethics of life. We will help you discover your potentials as a man and your reasons of existence so that you can start to pursue your dreams. The freemasonry is a family any man who strives for self-development and growth should belong to.
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DID YOU KNOW? That Freemasons are responsible for Manchester City playing in blue.

In 1894 the club was in a financial crisis and was bailed out by Freemasons, who asked that in return the team wear masonic color.


Read up to chapter 06 (six) and fill up the membership application form in chapter 07 (seven).


The process of joining the freemasonry is divided into two (02) steps. Which are, the ONLINE REGISTRATION process which entails the collection and submission of your information for verification through our email or WhatsApp, and the PHYSICAL INITIATION ceremony which is the baptism process. It is very important to note that the initiation which is your baptism is done physically in a masonic lodge and not online.

The Registration process into the freemasonry family is done by simply filling and submitting the application form to the authorities in control for a complete background check. You can submit the form either through WhatsApp or via email address. This process takes a period of at least one week depending on the number of applicants we have for that period. There are two possible outcomes after submitting your application form, its either your result turns out to be positive or negative.

if your result is negative, you will only be able to reapply again next year when we launch the new registration program for 2025/2026. This negative result may be due to submission of inaccurate or probably false information. So always endeavor to submit the right information and follow all instructions for a quicker review.

But if after a complete verification and Your result is positive which means you have been accepted to join this great family, then you will receive a sample of your membership card via email or WhatsApp media from the identification department. when you receive this soft card sample, you will have to verify and confirm to the identity card department if all entries on the card are correct so they can print and stamp it for shipment to your lodge of interest which you will have to go and collect upon its arrival.

The membership card is the only official document which permits every member to enter the lodge for any reason. This is because we do not permit strangers to enter the lodge. At the gate, the security system will need your card for screening before letting you enter the lodge.

Sample membership card front & back view


These requirements refer to items which are necessary to be available in order to perform your initiation into the freemasonry fraternity. These items are;

  • Membership Card
  • Masonic Regalia
  • Masonic Ring
  • Talisman chain
  • Holy Bible
  • White candles

After you have submitted your information in the form for verification and your request to join is approved, these items will be packaged and shipped through DHL to the lodge where your initiation ceremony will take place. As soon as these items arrives your lodge, the authorities in charge of that lodge will send you an invitation letter through your membership account inviting you to come for your initiation ceremony. So, to see this message, you will have to log into your personal account. This invitation messages will talk about the Date, Time, Location and complete Rundown program of your initiation ceremony. This therefore means that, it is very important to get access into your membership account soon enough in order to stay informed about your process.


The freemasonry membership account is a social networking platform that connects new members to thousands of other freemasons and grand lodges around the USA and 147 other countries around the world.

In summary, it is an all-in-one member platform for Freemasons. You can use the membership portal to find lodge events, pay your dues and connect directly with Brothers. Stay up to date on the latest announcements from the Grand Lodge and lodges around the world, find helpful resources related to the degrees and even keep a virtual member card. All this and more available through the member portal.

The Freemasonry organization developed this membership portal to help identify and connect all her members together around the world. Every new member must own an account under this platform for identification purposes.
This platform is very important to us and to our members in the following ways.

🔯 It gives the account holder the ease to communicate with all other freemasons who have their accounts registered under this platform.

🔯 It helps the account holder to search and verify real Grand masters on the platform using the search bar on the website.

🔯 It helps the headquarters to directly transmit vital information to all her members worldwide using this platform.

🔯 Also, this platform helps freemasons to interconnect with other members from different parts of the world. This means that, if you’re stranded in any part of the world, you can just open the website and connect with members of the same lodge in that area, and they will give you accommodations for free. This is one of the biggest reasons why we created this platform so that our members can connect themselves and help each other. The Freemason family has invested lots of ideas and efforts to make sure that this website runs smoothly and carry as much membership accounts as possible.


After reading all our terms and conditions, then you still desire to join the Freemasons, go ahead and fill the membership form in chapter 07(seven) below and submit it for verification. Note that, all items to be used for your initiation ceremony are completely offered to you free of charge by your lodge.  It is important to equally note that the freemasonry family is not the illuminati. The freemasonry is not a secret society, and we do not worship the Devil. We are just a group of successful business and political Men who have come together with a common believe and objective to make the world a better place through hard work. After going through our website and knowing what we are, and we match the kind of family you would like to join, simply fill in the form below and submit for review. You can as well contact the grand master through WhatsApp if you have any questions to ask.


After submitting your information, send us 02 passport sized photos of you precisely with a white background in the same format as SHOWN BELOW, alongside your complete names which will be used to identify your application file for the production of your membership card in case your request to join is approved. Send the pictures to Master Alfred Marshall on he’s WhatsApp account to complete your registration.

Note that, if you don’t send him your pictures through this number after submitting your information, your registration won’t be processed.

4 X 4 Passport Card Format

4 X 4 Passport Card Format

Freemason application card format
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